Publication of a special issue on the Agricultural and Environmental Challenges in Agroecosystems in Pedosphere

       The special issue of  the 11th International Symposium on Agriculture and the Environment,  titled "Agricultural and Environmental Challenges in Agroecosystems", has been published in the 1st issue of 2021 in Pedosphere, a peer-reviewed international journal with impact factor of 3.736 (Q1). Four review papers and fifteen research papers were included in this special issue,  involving three pillars of plant nutrition—carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P) cycling, the remediation of contaminated soils, agricultural waste management, and non-point source pollution control. The publication of this special issue will help pursue agricultural science innovation coping with environment changes in the future. (By Yan Xiaoyuan and Zhao Xu, Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences)

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