Pedosphere 34(3): 577--589, 2024
ISSN 1002-0160/CN 32-1315/P
©2024 Soil Science Society of China
Published by Elsevier B.V. and Science Press
Optimization of fertilizer performances in long-term garlic cropping soils
Tianqi WEI1,2, Hongmei ZHOU4, Huayang HONG5, Yanyun REN4, Qin LIU1,3, Yanhua SU1
1 Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008 (China)
2 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049 (China)
3 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing, Nanjing 211135 (China)
4 Jining Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Jining 272100 (China)
5 College of Forestry, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037 (China)
      Continuous cropping is a common pattern of modern agriculture that takes regional advantages for crop yield profits. Along the progress of mono-cropping continuously supported by intensive fertilizer inputs, such a cropping pattern often undergoes serious problems with low fertilizer use efficiencies and unsustainable crop production. In this study, we dealt with a > 25-year continuous garlic cropping system as an example for a problem-solving investigation. These garlic cropping soils underwent problems characterized by loss of soil organic matter, dramatic retention of NH+4-N, and excess accumulation of phosphate and potash chemicals. Through hydroponic simulations, we revealed that the presence of NH+4-N inhibited the root uptake of NH-3-N and K by 68% and 88%, respectively. Despite the traditionally emphasized importance of K, we observed the negative effect of high K on the growth of garlic roots. Further field experiments demonstrated that P and K applications can be reduced by 60% and 50%, respectively, without loss of yield. We thus developed a high-performance fertilization strategy by integrating a recomposed NPK fertilizer formulation to reduce unnecessary P and K inputs, a supplementary application of long-lasting C of woody peat to compensate for the soil C loss, and a foliar K approach to strengthen the stomatal function improvement with K. This strategy allowed a 15% increase of garlic yield and a seasonal soil C profit of ca. 1.8 Mg ha-1 even at ca. 30% lower fertilizer cost. This study would be helpful in managing garlic fertilization and developing compound fertilizers, with broader significance for other long-term cropping soils.
Key Words:  fertilization strategy,fertilizer input,field validation,hydroponic simulation,optimized fertilization,soil nutrient balance,yield profit
Citation: Wei T Q, Zhou H M, Hong H Y, Ren Y Y, Liu Q, Su Y H. 2024. Optimization of fertilizer performances in long-term garlic cropping soils. Pedosphere. 34(3): 577–589.
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