Pedosphere 34(3): 525--529, 2024
ISSN 1002-0160/CN 32-1315/P
©2024 Soil Science Society of China
Published by Elsevier B.V. and Science Press
A perspective on greenhouse gas emission studies integrating arbuscular mycorrhiza
Stavros D. VERESOGLOU, Junjiang CHEN
State Key Laboratory of Biocontrol, School of Ecology, Sun Yat-sen University, Shenzhen 518107 (China)
Corresponding Author:Stavros D. VERESOGLOU
      Climate change is a global emergency. It is only possible to pace down global change through addressing the triggers of it, greenhouse gas emissions. Despite commendable progress, we think that there is plenty of room to further make the studies addressing global change realistic, through integrating into them biotic interactions. We make a case for this statement through a bibliometrics analysis on agricultural studies exploring greenhouse gas emissions that consider arbuscular mycorrhiza. We show that even though mycorrhizal studies account right now for a small fraction of the agricultural literature, they get cited more often. We further demonstrate that mycorrhizal studies are typically more descriptive in their nature, which we support through comparing the keywords they list. We subsequently use the opportunity to identify shortcomings and opportunities to further integrate mycorrhiza into agricultural studies assaying greenhouse gas emissions. We finally make a call to better integrate arbuscular mycorrhiza into global change studies.
Key Words:  bibliometric analysis,biochemical models,global change biology,Glomeromycota,sustainable agricultural intensification
Citation: Veresoglou S D, Chen J J. 2024. A perspective on greenhouse gas emission studies integrating arbuscular mycorrhiza. Pedosphere. 34(3): 525–529.
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