Pedosphere 32(5): 733--743, 2022
ISSN 1002-0160/CN 32-1315/P
©2022 Soil Science Society of China
Published by Elsevier B.V. and Science Press
Effects of silver nanoparticle size, concentration and coating on soil quality as indicated by arylsulfatase and sulfite oxidase activities
Yutong XUE1,2, Prashank MISHRA1,2, Frieda EIVAZI3, Zahra AFRASIABI1,3
1Environmental Studies Concentration, Soka University of America, Aliso Viejo CA 92656 (USA)
2Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University, Durham NC 27707 (USA)
3Department of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Lincoln University, Jefferson City MO 65101 (USA)
      Recently, the nanotechnology industry has seen a growing interest in integrating silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) into agricultural products, which increases soil exposure to these particles. This demands an investigation into the effect of AgNPs on soil health. Changes in soil enzyme activities upon exposure to AgNPs can serve as early indicators of any adverse effects that these particles may have on soil quality. This study aimed to determine the effects of AgNP size, concentration, coating, and exposure time on the activities of two sulfur cycle enzymes, arylsulfatase and sulfite oxidase. To investigate the sensitivity of soil enzyme activity to AgNP contamination, silt loam soil samples were treated with 30, 80, and 200 nm-sized AgNPs coated with citrate, lipoic acid, and polyvinylpyrrolidone at 1, 10, and 100 mg Ag kg-1 soil, with the changes in enzyme activities monitored at 3 h, 3 d, and 30 d after treatment. For comparison, the effects of silver (Ag) ions on the enzyme activities were studied under similar treatment conditions. For most of the concentrations tested, the inhibitory effects of AgNPs on different enzymes differed, with a much stronger effect on sulfite oxidase activity than on arylsulfatase activity. The AgNP concentration and exposure time played much important roles than coating type and particle size in the effects of AgNPs on soil enzyme activities.
Key Words:  citrate,lipoic acid,polyvinylpyrrolidone,soil health,sulfur cycle enzyme
Citation: Xue Y, Mishra P, Eivazi F, Afrasiabi Z. 2022. Effects of silver nanoparticle size, concentration and coating on soil quality as indicated by arylsulfatase and sulfite oxidase activities. Pedosphere. 32(5): 733-743.
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