Pedosphere 30(6): 853--862, 2020
ISSN 1002-0160/CN 32-1315/P
©2020 Soil Science Society of China
Published by Elsevier B.V. and Science Press
Relationship between granitic soil particle-size distribution and shrinkage properties based on multifractal method
Yujie WEI1, Xinliang WU2, Jinwen XIA1, Chongfa CAI1
1Soil and Water Conservation Research Centre, College of Resources and Environment, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070(China)
2National-Regional Joint Engineering Research Center for Soil Pollution Control and Remediation in South China, Guangdong Key Laboratory of Integrated Agro-environmental Pollution Control and Management, Guangdong Institute of Eco-environmental Science&Technology, Guangdong Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510650(China)
      The mechanical properties of granitic residual soils vary with depth due to changes in soil type and heterogeneity caused by weathering. The purpose of this study was to relate the spatial variation of particle-size distribution (PSD) of granitic soils with soil shrinkage parameters using multifractal theory. The heterogeneity of PSD and pedogenic processes were depicted in detail by multifractal dimensions. The PSD generally increased with the increase of profile depth in accordance with the variation of single fractal dimension (D) ranging from 2.45 to 2.65. The shrinkage limit was greatly influenced by the multifractal dimension parameters, including information dimension (D1) and capacity dimension (D0) (Adjusted R2=0.998, P < 0.01), and the maximum linear extensibility (κv) was determined by spectral width (△α) and bulk density, with the latter explaining 89% of the total variance of κv (P < 0.01). Soil shrinkage characteristic curve was fitted by the modified logistic model (R2 > 0.97, root sum of squares < 0.1), and the water variation corresponding to the maximum change rate of linear extensibility was determined by the silt content (R2=0.81, P < 0.01). Overall, the shrinkage of granitic soils was primarily influenced by PSD and soil compactness.
Key Words:  bulk density,fractal dimension,multifractal characteristics,shrinkage characteristics,soil compactness
Citation: Wei Y J, Wu X L, Xia J W, Cai C F. 2020. Relationship between granitic soil particle-size distribution and shrinkage properties based on multifractal method. Pedosphere. 30(6):853-862.
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