Pedosphere 28(5): 751--763, 2018
ISSN 1002-0160/CN 32-1315/P
©2018 Soil Science Society of China
Published by Elsevier B.V. and Science Press
Soil Bacterial Communities Under Different Long-Term Fertilization Regimes in Three Locations Across the Black Soil Region of Northeast China
HU Xiaojing1,2, LIU Junjie1, WEI Dan3, ZHU Ping4, CUI Xi'an5, ZHOU Baoku3, CHEN Xueli3, JIN Jian1, LIU Xiaobing1, and WANG Guanghua1
1Key Laboratory of Mollisols Agroecology, Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Harbin 150081(China)
2University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049(China)
3Institute of Soil Fertilizer and Environment Resources, Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Harbin 150086(China)
4Institute of Agricultural Resource and Environment, Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Changchun 130033(China)
5Heihe Branch of Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Heihe 164300(China)
      Although soil bacteria play critical roles in agro-ecosystems, the knowledge of their response to long-term fertilization across the black soil region of Northeast China is limited. In this study, we sequenced 16S rRNA genes to assess the effects of four long-term fertilization regimes-non-fertilization (NoF), chemical fertilizer (CF), manure (M), and chemical fertilizer plus manure (CFM)-on soil properties and bacterial communities in three locations, the northern, middle, and southern parts, across the black soil region. Results showed that the influence of fertilization regimes on soil properties varied significantly among the three locations. Manure fertilization significantly increased microbial biomass carbon and relative abundance of copiotrophic bacteria. Principal component analysis (PCA) showed that the total bacterial communities were separated into three groups according to the sampling location despite long-term fertilization, and that soil pH was the most important factor in shifting bacterial communities. In addition, similar fertilization regimes resulted in different influences on bacterial community composition, and the most influential soil properties varied among the three locations. Our results highlighted that geographical separation was a more dominant factor affecting bacterial communities than fertilization, and that long-term similar fertilization regimes did not induce consistent changes in bacterial community composition in the black soil region.
Key Words:  chemical fertilizer,geographical separation,Illumina MiSeq sequencing,Mollisols,organic fertilizer,soil properties,16S rRNA gene
Citation: Hu X J, Liu J J, Wei D, Zhu P, Cui X A, Zhou B K, Chen X L, Jin J, Liu X B, Wang G H. 2018. Soil bacterial communities under different long-term fertilization regimes in three locations across the black soil region of Northeast China. Pedosphere. 28(5):751-763.
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