Pedosphere 21(6): 706--711, 2011
ISSN 1002-0160/CN 32-1315/P
©2011 Soil Science Society of China
Published by Elsevier B.V. and Science Press
Estimating soil erosion in Northeast China using 137Cs and 210Pbex
YANG Yu-Hong1,2, YAN Bai-Xing1 and ZHU Hui1
1 Key Laboratory of Wetland Ecology and Environment, Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun 130012 (China)
2 College of Water Resources, North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power, Zhengzhou 450011 (China)
      Evaluation of soil erosion in agricultural fields is valuable to develop conservation practices for reducing agricultural nonpoint source pollution.Soil erosion rates were quantified using the fallout radionuclide tracer technique in Mojiagou Basin located on the outskirts of Changchun in Northeast China.The calculated soil erosion rates in the study area were 1.99 and 1.85 mm year-1 using 137Cs and excess 210Pb (210Pbex) measurements,respectively.Both fallout radionuclides showed a similar tendency at downslope sites.All measured sites have experienced net erosion during the past 50 to 100 years.137Cs and 210Pbex measurements were useful to quantify soil erosion rates on field and small basin scales.At this rate of erosion,the current fertile topsoil layer would be entirely removed within 70 years.
Key Words:  black soil, fallout radionuclide tracer technique, rainfall erosivity, reference inventory, soil loss
Citation: Yang, Y. H., Yan, B. X. and Zhu, H. 2011. Estimating soil erosion in Northeast China using 137Cs and 210Pbex. Pedosphere. 21(6): 706-711.
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