Pedosphere 11(2): 185--188, 2001
ISSN 1002-0160/CN 32-1315/P
©2001 Soil Science Society of China
Published by Elsevier B.V. and Science Press
Role of organic matter in formation and stability of aggregates in mulberry plantation soils
LU Sheng-Gao
Collage of Environmental and Resource Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310029 (China)
      The role of organic matter in the formation and stability of soil aggregates in mulberry plantation in the Hang-Jia-Hu Plain, northern Zhejiang Province, was evaluated in this study. A positive correlation was found between water-stable aggregate contents and organic matter contents in the mulberry plantation soils, which supported the hypothesis that organic matter was the main cementing agent in formation of aggregates. A close correlation was also found between stability of aggregate and organic matter contents. Regression analysis showed that total nitrogen content was also an indicator of water-stable aggregate content and stability. The aggregate size distribution indicated that the water-stable aggregates 1~0.25 mm in diameter were the major component of the aggregates in the mulberry plantation soils. The organic matter contents of aggregates ranging from 5 to 0.25 mm in diameter increased with the decrease of aggregate sizes, and the aggregates 1~0.25 mm in diameter had the maximum organic matter content.
Key Words:  mulberry plantation soil, organic matter, water-stable aggregates
Citation: Lu, S. G. 2001. Role of organic matter in formation and stability of aggregates in mulberry plantation soils. Pedosphere. 11(2): 185-188.
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