Pedosphere 11(2): 167--174, 2001
ISSN 1002-0160/CN 32-1315/P
©2001 Soil Science Society of China
Published by Elsevier B.V. and Science Press
An integrated GIS/RS approach for soil erosion assessment and modeling in Syrian coastal soils
M. AL-ABED1, SHI Zhou2, A. YAGHI1 and WANG Ren-Chao2
1 General Organization of Remote Sensing (GORS), P.O. Box 12586, Damascus (Syria)
2 Institute of Agricultural Remote Sensing and lnforrrzation System Application, Zhejiang Universzty, Hangzhou 310029 (China)
      An integrated remote sensing (RS) and geographic information system (GIS) technique was employed to characterize the spatial distribution of the risk of soil erosion by water on Latakia district, Syria. The universal soil loss equation (USLE) was used to calculate the annual soil loss rates for Latakia soils. Mainly, remote sensing data, soil survey, land use inventory, elevation data and climatic atlases are used as resource data sets to generate USLE factor values. The results revealed that integration of GIS/RS with USLE was a practical and effective approach for monitoring soil erosion over large areas.
Key Words:  geographic information system, remote sensing, soil erosion, universal soil loss equation (USLE)
Citation: Al-abed, M., Shi, Z., Yaghi, A. and Wang, R. C. 2001. An integrated GIS/RS approach for soil erosion assessment and modeling in Syrian coastal soils. Pedosphere. 11(2): 167-174.
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