Pedosphere 11(2): 97--103, 2001
ISSN 1002-0160/CN 32-1315/P
©2001 Soil Science Society of China
Published by Elsevier B.V. and Science Press
Phospholipid fatty acid profiles of Chinese red soils with varying fertility levels and land use histories
YAO Huai-Ying, HE Zhen-Li and HUANG Chang-Yong
Department of Resource Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310029 (China)
      Analysis of phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs) was used to estimate the microbial community structures of eight Chinese red soils with different fertility levels and land use histories. The total amounts of PLFAs in the soils were significantly correlated with soil organic carbon, total nitrogen, microbial biomass C and basal respiration, indicating that total PLFA was closely related to fertility and sustainability in these highly weathered soils. Soils for the eroded wasteland were rich in Gram-positive species. When the eroded soils were planted with citrus trees, the soil microbial population had changed little in 4 years but took up to 8~12 years before it reached a significantly different population. Multivariate analysis of PLFAs demonstrated that land use history and plant cover type had a significant impact on microbial community structure. However, the difference of soil microbial community structure in the paddy field compared to other land uses was not larger than expected in this experiment.
Key Words:  microbial community structure, phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs), red soil
Citation: Yao, H. Y., He, Z. L. and Huang, C. Y. 2001. Phospholipid fatty acid profiles of Chinese red soils with varying fertility levels and land use histories. Pedosphere. 11(2): 97-103.
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