Pedosphere 8(4): 317--324, 1998
ISSN 1002-0160/CN 32-1315/P
©1998 Soil Science Society of China
Published by Elsevier B.V. and Science Press
Release of hydroxyl ions associated with chloride adsorption in electrodialyzed variable charge soils
ZHANG Gang-Ya, ZHANG Xiao-Nian and YU Tian-Ren
Institute of Soil Science, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008 (China)
      The release of hydroxyl ions from two variable charge soils associated with the adsorption of chloride in NaClO4 solutions was examined. The complete release required about 10 minutes. The release decreased with the increase in the NaClO4 concentration at first and eventually was little affected by the latter. The adsorption of Cl- was almost linearly related with the quantity of NaCl added to the system, while the OH- release-NaCl curve varied with the soil type and the concentration of NaClO4. The logarithm of the quantity of released OH- was linearly related with the pH. The ratio of released OH- to adsorbed Cl- was larger in dilute NaClO4 solutions than in concentrated solutions and decreased with increasing NaCl.
Key Words:  chloride adsorption, hydroxyl release, variable charge soil
Citation: Zhang, G. Y., Zhang, X. N. and Yu, T. R. 1998. Release of hydroxyl ions associated with chloride adsorption in electrodialyzed variable charge soils. Pedosphere. 8(4): 317-324.
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