Pedosphere 6(4): 355--363, 1996
ISSN 1002-0160/CN 32-1315/P
©1996 Soil Science Society of China
Published by Elsevier B.V. and Science Press
Effect of long-term application of compost on some chemical properties of wheat rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere soils
SHEN A-Lin1, LI Xue-Yuan2, T. KANAMORI3 and T. ARAO3
1 Soil and Fertilizer Institute, Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Zhengzhou 450002 (China)
2 Depariment of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Huazhong Agriculture University, Wuhan 450070 (China)
3 Laboratory of Upland Soil and Fertilizer, Department of Soil and Fertilizer, National Agriculture Research Center, Tsukuha 305 (Japan)
      Compost of different rates was applied to artificial field plots of a low humic andosol at National Agriculture Research Center (NARC) of Japan for 15 or 28 years, and their effects on the chemical properties of wheat rhizosphere soil and nonrhizosphere soil were measured. Continuous application of compost for 28 years resulted in raise of soil C, N, P, pH and exchangeable bases. The building up of organic matter in the soil occurred slowly. A residual effect of the compost on soil chemical properties was still present after 13 years of no application, but this effect was weaker in comparison with that of the continuous application treatments. In the rhizosphere soil, NaHCO3-extracted P and exchangeable Ca were higher than those in the bulk soil. The removal of free organic acid slightly affected the soil pH, especially, the rhizosphere soil pH. The raise of soil pH may result from the increase of exchangeable base by the application of compost.
Key Words:  chemical properties, compost, organic acid, residual effect rhizosphere
Citation: SHEN A-Lin, Li, X. Y., Kanamori, T. and Arao, T. 1996. Effect of long-term application of compost on some chemical properties of wheat rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere soils. Pedosphere. 6(4): 355-363.
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