Pedosphere 6(4): 335--339, 1996
ISSN 1002-0160/CN 32-1315/P
©1996 Soil Science Society of China
Published by Elsevier B.V. and Science Press
Zn-Cu interaction affecting Zn adsorption and plant availability in a metal-contaminated soil
D. L. Rimmer and LUO Yong-Ming
Department of Agricultural and Environmental Science, Universitg of Newcastle open Tyne, Newcastle apon Tyne NE1 7RU (UK)
      In a previous greenhouse experiment, we showed that there was an interaction between Cu and Zn, which affected growth and metal uptake by young barley plants grown on soil to which Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn had been added. We suggested that the underlying mechanism was the control of the amount of plant-available Zn by competitive adsorption between Cu and Zn. In order to test this hypothesis, the adsorption of Zn alone, and in the presence of added Cd, Cu and Pb, has been measured using the same soil. Following adsorption, the extractability of the Zn in CaCl2 solution was measured. The adsorption isotherms showed that of the added metals only Cu had a large effect on Zn adsorption. The effect of Cu was to reduce Zn adsorption and to increase the amount of CaCl2-extractable (i.e. plant-available) Zn, in agreement with the conclusions from the greenhouse experiment. The magnitude of the effect of Cu on plant-available Zn was similar in both experiments.
Key Words:  metal phytotoxicityl metal-contaminated soil, plant-available Zn, Zn adsorption, Zn-Cu Interaction
Citation: Rimmer, D. L. and Luo, Y. M. 1996. Zn-Cu interaction affecting Zn adsorption and plant availability in a metal-contaminated soil. Pedosphere. 6(4): 335-339.
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