Pedosphere 6(4): 289--303, 1996
ISSN 1002-0160/CN 32-1315/P
©1996 Soil Science Society of China
Published by Elsevier B.V. and Science Press
Environmental issues related to chemical fertilizer use in China
CAO Zhi-Hong
LMCP, Institute of Soil Science, Academia Sinica, P. O. Box 821, Nanjing 210008 (China)
      The current status of chemical fertilizers production and consumption in China as well as their important roles in Chinese modern agriculture are discussed with special concerns to the environmental issues related to chemical fertilizer use. On the one hand, the total amount of chemical fertilizer produced is insufficient to meet the agricultural needs. On the other hand, the production and consumption of chemical fertilizers in China are obviously not balanced. In some areas over application of nitrogen fertilizers and loss of phosphate fertilizer due to soil erosion have resulted in some undesirable environmental problems ouch as increase of nitrate in water and eutrophication of water bodies. Maximum scientific uses of organic manures in combination with reasonable use of chemical fertilizers are part of good practices not only in increasing soil productivity and keeping sustainable agriculture development but also in minimizing their detrimental effects on the environment.
Key Words:  chemical fertilizer, environmental issues, modern agriculture
Citation: Cao, Z. H. 1996. Environmental issues related to chemical fertilizer use in China. Pedosphere. 6(4): 289-303.
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