Pedosphere 3(3): 231--238, 1993
ISSN 1002-0160/CN 32-1315/P
©1993 Soil Science Society of China
Published by Elsevier B.V. and Science Press
Studies on Material Cycling in Evergreen Broad-Leaved Forest Ecosystem in Hangzhou: Ⅱ . Dynamics and Decomposition Characteristics of Litter
Zhejiang Forestry College, Lin an, Zhejang 311300
      Through the long-term plot study on the litter and its decomposition in the evergreen broad-leaved forest ecosystem in Hangzhou for more than two years, it was resulted that the annual litter production was 5.85 t ha-1, most of which was the fallen leave (79.5 percent) and the withered branches and fruits were far less (7.1 and 13.4 percents respectively). The dynamics of the fallen litter was shown as a curve of two-peak pattern which appeared in April and September each year. The half-life of the litter was 1.59 years. The decay rate of the litter attenuted as an exponential function. The annual amount of the nutrient returned to the ground through the litter was as large as 223.69 kg ha-1. The total current amount of the litter on the ground was 7.47 t ha-1. The decay rate in the first half of a year was 45.18 percent. This ecosystem remained in the stage of litter increasing with time.
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Citation: Jiang, Q. Y., He, L. M., Yu, Y. W., Shi, D. F. and Qian, X. B. 1993. Studies on Material Cycling in Evergreen Broad-Leaved Forest Ecosystem in Hangzhou: Ⅱ . Dynamics and Decomposition Characteristics of Litter. Pedosphere. 3(3): 231-238.
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