PEDOSPHERE(IF: 3.736, Q1; CiteScore: 6.2, Q1)最新高被引论文

(as of May/June 2020)


1.  Human and ecological risks of metals in soils under different land-use types in an urban environment of Bangladesh

作者Islam, Md SaifulAhmed, Md KawserAl-Mamun, Md Habibullah; .

PEDOSPHERE   : ‏ 30   : ‏ 2   : ‏ 201-213   文献号: 1002-0160(2020)30:2<201:HAEROM>2.0.TX;2-Q   出版年: ‏ APR 2020

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2. Air-drying changes the distribution of Hedley phosphorus pools in forest soils

作者Wang, JipengWu, YanhongZhou, Jun; .

PEDOSPHERE   : ‏ 30   : ‏ 2   : ‏ 272-284   文献号: 1002-0160(2020)30:2<272:ADCTDO>2.0.TX;2-3   出版年: ‏ APR 2020

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 3. Beyond microbial diversity for predicting soil functions: A mini review

作者Nannipieri, PaoloAscher-Jenull, JudithCeccherini, Maria Teresa; .

PEDOSPHERE   : ‏ 30   : ‏ 1   : ‏ 5-17   文献号: 1002-0160(2020)30:1<5:BMDFPS>2.0.TX;2-D   出版年: ‏ FEB 2020

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4. Morphological and Physiological Responses of Plants to Cadmium Toxicity: A Review

作者He ShanyingYang XiaoeHe, Zhenli; .

PEDOSPHERE   : ‏ 27   : ‏ 3   特刊: ‏ SI   : ‏ 421-438   文献号: 1002-0160(2017)27:3<421:MAPROP>2.0.TX;2-5   出版年: ‏ JUN 2017

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 5. Remediation of Heavy Metal-Polluted Agricultural Soils Using Clay Minerals: A Review

作者Xu YiLiang XuefengXu Yingming; .

PEDOSPHERE   : ‏ 27   : ‏ 2   : ‏ 193-204   文献号: 1002-0160(2017)27:2<193:ROHMPA>2.0.TX;2-6   出版年: ‏ APR 2017

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6. Immobilization of Lead and Cadmium in Contaminated Soil Using Amendments: A Review

作者Mahar, AmanullahWang PingLi Ronghua; .

PEDOSPHERE   : ‏ 25   : ‏ 4   : ‏ 555-568   文献号: 1002-0160(2015)25:4<555:IOLACI>2.0.TX;2-B   出版年: ‏AUG 2015

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 根据对应领域和出版年中的高引用阈值,到 五月/六月 2020 为止,本高被引论文受到引用的次数已将其归入其学术领域中最优秀的 1% 之列。

来自 Essential Science Indicators 的数据

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