Pedosphere 33(5): 717--730, 2023
ISSN 1002-0160/CN 32-1315/P
©2023 Soil Science Society of China
Published by Elsevier B.V. and Science Press
A critical review of microbially induced carbonate precipitation for soil stabilization: The global experiences and future prospective |
Safaa M. EZZAT |
Microbiology Department, Central Laboratory for Environmental Quality Monitoring(CLEQM), National Water Research Center(NWRC), El-Kanater 13621/6(Egypt) |
Corresponding Author:Safaa M. EZZAT |
Microbially induced carbonate precipitation (MICP) is a new technology having the potential to induce soil stabilization and provide a green and sustainable comprehensive solution to some geotechnical engineering problems in the environment. The present article is dedicated to present a critical review of this technology and discuss its mechanisms of action and the key factors influencing its performance. The global experiences and national participation from Egypt are demonstrated, in addition to attempts for real life applications. This review provides an insight into the practical steps taken to mitigate some of the current limitations of MICP application and the identified gaps in analogous studies. It was concluded that integrating MICP with existing technologies would favor both engineering needs and market requirements. In addition, providing effective solutions to MICP limitations would highlight this technology as an eco-friendly and cost-effective option to several engineering obstacles. Finally, recommendations focused on encouraging global collaboration for knowledge transfer about this technology among different countries, as well as positive financial support from industrial entities to aid in the progress of scientific research and achieving large-scale applications in the near future, are provided. |
Key Words: biocementation,calcite,geotechnical engineering,urease activity,ureolytic bacteria |
Citation: Ezzat S M. 2023. A critical review of microbially induced carbonate precipitation for soil stabilization: The global experiences and future prospective. Pedosphere. 33(5): 717-730. |
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