Pedosphere 29(6): 740--751, 2019
ISSN 1002-0160/CN 32-1315/P
©2019 Soil Science Society of China
Published by Elsevier B.V. and Science Press
Effects of Organic Matter-Rich Amendments on Selenium Mobility in Soils
Department of Agro-Environmental Chemistry and Plant Nutrition, Faculty of Agrobiology, Food, and Natural Resources, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Kamýcká 129, 165 21 Prague, Suchdol(Czech Republic)
      Soil organic matter (SOM) plays an important role in the Se dynamics in soil. The potential effects of vermicompost and digestate as important sources of SOM on selenium (Se) mobility were assessed in this study. Three soils differing in their physicochemical parameters, fluvisol, chernozem, and luvisol, were chosen, and three types of vermicomposts based on various bio-waste materials as digestate (vermicompost 1), kitchen waste with woodchips (vermicompost 2), and garden bio-waste (vermicompost 3) were used due to their high organic matter content. Additionally, digestate samples alone were applied. To evaluate the potential effect of vermicompost application on sorption characteristics of soils, batch sorption experiments were performed. The results showed a predominant effect on Se species in the soils, where selenite sorbed more intensively compared to selenate, regardless of the soil and ameliorative material applied. In the control, the soil sorption ability of selenite tended to decrease in the order:fluvisol > luvisol > chernozem. However, these differences were not significant. Moreover, the effects of the ameliorative materials depended on both soil and amendment used. In fluvisol, all the amendment applications resulted in a decrease in distribution coefficient (Kd values) of Se, whereas in chernozem, this effect was observed only for the digestate-based vermicompost 1. Increasing Kd levels were reported in luvisol treated with digestate; the application of garden bio-waste-based vermicompost 3 tended to decrease the Kd values. Further studies are required on long-term effects of these amendments on Se mobility in soils and the role of individual organic matter fractions in this context.
Key Words:  batch sorption experiments,bio-waste material,selenite,selenate,sorption isotherms,vermicompost
Citation: Smažíková P, Praus L, Száková J, Tremlová J, Hanč A, Tlustoš P. 2019. Effects of organic matter-rich amendments on selenium mobility in soils. Pedosphere. 29(6):740-751.
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