Pedosphere 26(5): 760--767, 2016
ISSN 1002-0160/CN 32-1315/P
©2016 Soil Science Society of China
Published by Elsevier B.V. and Science Press
Soil aggregate stability and iron and aluminium oxide contents under different fertiliser treatments in a long-term solar greenhouse experiment
YIN Yan1, WANG Li1,4, LIANG Cheng-Hua2, XI Feng-Ming1,3, PEI Zhong-Jian2 and DU Li-Yu2
1Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110016 (China)
2Department of Soil and Environment, Shenyang Agricultural University, Shenyang 110866 (China)
3CAS Key Laboratory of Pollution Ecology and Environmental Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110016 (China)
4University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049 (China)
      Soil in greenhouses is likely to suffer a gradual decline in aggregate stability. Determination of the e?ects of different fertiliser practices on soil aggregate stability is important for taking advantage of solar greenhouses. Soil aggregate stability and iron (Fe) and aluminium (Al) oxide contents were investigated in a 26-year long-term fertilization experiment in greenhouse in Shenyang, China, under eight fertilizer treatments: manure (M), fertilizer N (FN), fertilizer N with manure (MN), fertilizer P (FP), fertiliser P with manure (MP), fertiliser NP (FNP), fertiliser NP with manure (MNP), and control without any fertiliser (CK). A wet sieving method was used to determine aggregate size distribution and water-stable aggregates (WSA), mean weight diameter and geometric mean diameter as the indices of soil aggregate stability. Different fertiliser treatments had a statistically significant influence on aggregate stability and Fe and Al oxide contents. Long-term application of inorganic fertilizers had no obvious effects on the mass proportion of aggregates. By contrast, manure application significantly increased the mass proportion of macroaggregates at the expense of microaggregates. All treatments, with the exception of FNP, significantly increased the stability of macroaggregates but decreased that of microaggregates when compared with CK. Aggregation under MP and MN was better than that under M and MNP; however, no significant differences were found among inorganic fertiliser treatments (i.e., FN, FP, and FNP). A positive relation was found between pyrophosphate-extractable Fe and WSA (r = 0269), but no significant relations were observed between other Fe and Al oxides and aggregate stability.
Key Words:  geometric mean diameter, manure application, mean weight diameter, soil fertility, soil structure, water-stable aggregate
Citation: Yin, Y., Wang, L., Liang, C. H., Xi, F. M., Pei, Z. J. and Du, L. Y. 2016. Soil aggregate stability and iron and aluminium oxide contents under different fertiliser treatments in a long-term solar greenhouse experiment. Pedosphere. 26(5): 760-767.
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