Pedosphere 23(2): 137--142, 2013
ISSN 1002-0160/CN 32-1315/P
©2013 Soil Science Society of China
Published by Elsevier B.V. and Science Press
Effect of additional carbonates on CO2 emission from calcareous soil during the closed-jar incubation
DONG Yan-Jie1,2, CAI Miao1,2, LIANG Bin1,2 and ZHOU Jian-Bin1,2
1 College of Natural Resources and Environment, Northwest A&F University, Yangling 712100 (China)
2Key Laboratory of Plant Nutrition and the Agri-Environment in Northwest China, Ministry of Agriculture, Yangling 712100 (China)
      The closed-jar incubation method is widely used to estimate the mineralization of soil organic C. There are two C pools (i.e., organic and inorganic C) in calcareous soil. To evaluate the effect of additional carbonates on CO2 emission from calcareous soil during closed-jar incubation, three incubation experiments were conducted by adding different types (CaCO3 and MgCO3) and amounts of carbonate to the soil. The addition of carbonates significantly increased CO2 emission from the soil; the increase ranged from 12.0% in the CaCO3 amended soil to 460% in the MgCO3 amended soil during a 100-d incubation. Cumulative CO2 production at the end of the incubation was three times greater in the MgCO3 amended soil compared to the CaCO3 amended one. The CO2 emission increased with the amount of CaCO3 added to the soil. In contrast, CO2 emission decreased as the amount of MgCO3 added to the soil increased. Our results confirmed that the closed-jar incubation method could lead to an overestimate of organic C mineralization in calcareous soils. Because of its effect on soil pH and the dissolution of carbonates, HgCl2 should not be used to sterilize calcareous soil if the experiment includes the measurement of soil CO2 production.
Key Words:  CaCO3, incubation method, inorganic carbon, MgCO3, soil organic carbon
Citation: Dong, Y. J., Cai, M., Liang, B. and Zhou, J. B. 2013. Effect of additional carbonates on CO2 emission from calcareous soil during the closed-jar incubation. Pedosphere. 23(2): 137-142.
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