Pedosphere 15(5): 634--640, 2005
ISSN 1002-0160/CN 32-1315/P
©2005 Soil Science Society of China
Published by Elsevier B.V. and Science Press
Salt-water transport in unsaturated soils under crop planting: Dynamics and numerical simulation
XU Li-Gang1,2, YANG Jing-Song1, ZHANG Qi2 and LIU Guang-Ming1
1 Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008 (China). E-mail:;
2 Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008 (China)
      A laboratory salt-water dynamics experiment using unsaturated soils in packed silt loam and clay soil columns with different soil texture profiles and groundwater levels under crops were conducted to study the changes of salt-water dynamics induced by water uptake of crops and to propose the theoretical basis for the regulation and control of salt-water dynamics as well as to predict salinity levels. The HYDRUS 1D model was applied to simulate the one-dimensional movement of water and salt transport in the soil columns. The results showed that the salts mainly accumulated in the plow layer in the soil columns under crops. Soil water and salt both moved towards the plow layer due to soil water absorption by the crop root system. The salt contents in the column with lower groundwater were mostly greater than those with high groundwater. The water contents in the soil columns increased from top to the bottom due to plant root water uptake. The changes in groundwater level had little influence on water content of the root zone in the soil columns with crop planting. Comparison between the simulated and the determined values showed that model simulation results were ideal, so it is practicable to do numerical simulation of soil salt and water transport by the HYDRUS 1D model. Furthermore, if the actual movement of salt and water in fields is to be described in detail, much work needs to be done. The most important thing is to refine the parameters and select precise boundary conditions.
Key Words:  crop planting, numerical simulation, salt accumulation, salt-water dynamics
Citation: Xu, L. G., Yang, J. S., Zhang, Q. and Liu, G. M. 2005. Salt-water transport in unsaturated soils under crop planting: Dynamics and numerical simulation. Pedosphere. 15(5): 634-640.
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