Pedosphere 12(3): 257--264, 2002
ISSN 1002-0160/CN 32-1315/P
©2002 Soil Science Society of China
Published by Elsevier B.V. and Science Press
Characteristics of phosphorous adsorption and desorption by organo-mineral colloidal complexes of purple paddy soils
GAO Ming1, ZHOU Bao-Tong1,2, WEI Chao-Fu1 and CHE Fu-Cai1
1 College of Resources and Environmental Science, Southwest Agricultural University, Chongqing 400716 (China);
2 College of Resources and Environmental Science, Southwest Normal University, Chongqing 400716 (China)
      The kinetic characteristics of P adsorption and desorption by organo-mineral colloidal complexes (OMC) were studied using acid, calcareous and neutral purple paddy soils taken from Chongqing and Sichuan, China. The results showed that the P adsorption capacity of the organo-mineral colloidal complexes differed with the soil types, being higher for the acid and calcareous purple soils than for the neutral purple soils. Partial removal of the organic matter increased the adsorption capacity of the colloidal complexes. A very significant positive correlation was found between the amounts of P desorbed from OMC and the P saturation degrees. The P adsorption reaction was quick at the early stage and slowed later. The raise of temperature increased P adsorption capacity and P adsorption rate of the colloidal complexes. The adsorption processes could be described by the Elovich equation.
Key Words:  adsorption, desorption, organo-rnineral colloidal complex, phosphorus, purple paddy soils
Citation: Gao, M., Zhou, B. T., Wei, C. F. and Che, F. C. 2002. Characteristics of phosphorous adsorption and desorption by organo-mineral colloidal complexes of purple paddy soils. Pedosphere. 12(3): 257-264.
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