Pedosphere 12(2): 165--170, 2002
ISSN 1002-0160/CN 32-1315/P
©2002 Soil Science Society of China
Published by Elsevier B.V. and Science Press
Cu and Zn speciation in an acid soil amended with alkaline biosolids
LUO Yong-Ming
Institute of Soil Science, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008 (China)
      Fractionation of metals in a granite-derived acid sandy loam soil amended with alkaline-stabilised sewagesIudge biosolids was conducted in order to assess metal bioavailability and environmental mobility soil solution was extracted by a centrifugation and filtration technique. Metal speciation in the soil solution wasdetermined by a cation exchange resin method. Acetic acid and EDTA extracting solutions were used forextraction of metals in soil solid surfaces. Metal distribution in different fractions of soil solid phase wasdetermined using a three-step sequential extraction scheme. The results show that the metals in the soilsolution existed in different fractions with variable lability and metals in the soil solid phase were also presentin various chemical forms with potentially different bioavail ability and environmental mobility Alkaline-stabilised biosolids could elevate solubility of Cu and proportion of Cu in organically complexed fractionsboth in soil liquid and solid phases, and may therefore increase Cu mobility. In contrast, the biosolids lowered the concentrations of water-soluble Zn (labile fraction) and exchangeable Zn and may hence decrease bioavailability and mobility of Zn. However, Fe and Mn oxides bound and organic matter bound fractions are likely to be Zn pools in the sludge-amended soil. These consequences possibly result from the liming effect and metal speciation of the sludge product and the difference in the chemistry between the metals in soil.
Key Words:  alkaline-stabilised sewage sludge, chemical speciation, Cu, granite soil, Zn
Citation: Luo, Y. M. 2002. Cu and Zn speciation in an acid soil amended with alkaline biosolids. Pedosphere. 12(2): 165-170.
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