Pedosphere 9(2): 147--152, 1999
ISSN 1002-0160/CN 32-1315/P
©1999 Soil Science Society of China
Published by Elsevier B.V. and Science Press
Sewage sludge usage in cotton crop: Ⅰ. Influence on soil properties
National Agricultural Research Foundation, Institute of Soil Classification and Mapping, Larissa 413 35 (Greece)
      A field experiment with cotton was conducted on a well drained, calcareous, clay loamy Typic Xerochrept to investigate the utility of sewage sludge as a partial substitute for fertilizers and the influence of its application on the basic soil properties and heavy metal concentrations. The experimental design was completely randomized blocks with five treatments replicated four times each. Sewage sludge came from the treatment plant of the municipality of Volos, Central Greece, with the following characteristics: organic matter content 36.6 %, pH (H2O 1:5) 6.89, CaCO3 53.4 g kg-1, total N 26.5 g kg-1, total P 33.5 g kg-1, and total K 968 mg kg-1 soil. Heavy metal concentrations were Cd 5.24, Pb 442, Ni 38, Cu 224, Zn 1812, and Mn 260 mg kg-1 dry weight, respectively. The soil was high in potassium (K) and poor in available phosphorus (P). The results showed that sewage sludge application increased cotton yield and K and P concentrations in cotton leaves. Soil pH was reduced in the case of higher sewage sludge rate. Electrical conductivity, organic matter content, total N, and available P were significantly increased. Total concentrations of Zn, Pb, and Cu were slightly increased. DTPA-extractable Zn, Cu and Mn were also significantly increased. Available forms of all heavy metals, except Cd, were significantly correlated with organic matter content in a positive way and negatively with soil pH.
Key Words:  cotton, heavy metals, sewage sludge, soil properties
Citation: Tsadilas, C. D., Dimoyiannis, D. G. and Samaras, V. 1999. Sewage sludge usage in cotton crop: Ⅰ. Influence on soil properties. Pedosphere. 9(2): 147-152.
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