Pedosphere 9(2): 131--138, 1999
ISSN 1002-0160/CN 32-1315/P
©1999 Soil Science Society of China
Published by Elsevier B.V. and Science Press
GIS-based red soil resources classification and evaluation
HU Yue-Ming1, DAI Jun1 and WANG Ren-Chao2
1 College of Resources and Environment, South China Aggicultural University, Guangzhou 510642 (China);
2 Institute of Remote-Sensing and Information Technology, Zhejiang Agricultural University, Hangzhou 310029 (China)
      A small scale red soil resources information system (RSRIS) with applied mathematical models was developed and applied in red soil resources (RSR) classification and evaluation, taking Zhejiang Province, a typical distribution area of red soil, as the study area. Computer-aided overlay was conducted to classify RSR types. The evaluation was carried out by using three methods, i.e., index summation, square root of index multiplication and fuzzy comprehensive assessment, with almost identical results. The result of index summation could represent the basic qualitative condition of RSR, that of square root of index multiplication reflected the real condition of RSR qualitative rank, while fuzzy comprehensive assessment could satisfactorily handle the relationship between the evaluation factors and the qualitative rank of RSR, and therefore it is a feasible method for RSR evaluation.
Key Words:  classification, evaluation, geographic system (GIS), red soil
Citation: Hu, Y. M., Dai, J. and Wang, R. C. 1999. GIS-based red soil resources classification and evaluation. Pedosphere. 9(2): 131-138.
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