Pedosphere 9(1): 83--90, 1999
ISSN 1002-0160/CN 32-1315/P
©1999 Soil Science Society of China
Published by Elsevier B.V. and Science Press
Soil 35S transformation and availability to plants
ZHOU Wei1 and PAN Jia-Rong2
1 Institute of Soil and Fertilizer, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081 (China);
2 Institute for Application of Ato}n,ic Energy, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100094 (China)
      Sulfur transformation in 3 soils maintained in a closed incubation system and its availability to plants were investigated using carrier-free 35S-SO42- and 35S-labeled ryegrass straw. For carrier-free Na235SO4 treatment, 78%, 70% and 64% of 35S applied were found in Ca(H2PO4)2-extractable S fraction, 4%, 5% and 7% in slowly soluble inorganic S, 11%, 15% and 18% in C-O-S, 5%, 7% and 6% in C-bonded S, and 5%, 7% and 6% in unidentified organic S 120 days after incubation in black soil, cinnamon soil and chestnut soil, respectively. Most of 35S uptake by plants came from extractable 35SO42-, and little from C-O-35S and C-bonded 35S. In the treatment with 35S-labeled straw, 51% , 46% and 36% of 35S incorporated were found in Ca(H2PO4)2-extractable S fraction , 7%, 6% and 7% in slowly soluble inorganic S, 13%, 15% and 18% in C-O-S, 8%, 8% and 6% in C-bonded S, and 18%, 25% and 35% in unidentified organic S at the end of incubation in above-mentioned three soils, respectively. Higher availability of C-O-35S, C-bonded 35S and unidentified organic 35S from 35S-labeled straw was observed in 35S-labeled straw treatment compared to carrier-free Na235SO4 treatment.
Key Words:  availability, 35S, sulfur fraction, transformation
Citation: Zhou, W. and Pan, J. R. 1999. Soil 35S transformation and availability to plants. Pedosphere. 9(1): 83-90.
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