Pedosphere 7(3): 269--274, 1997
ISSN 1002-0160/CN 32-1315/P
©1997 Soil Science Society of China
Published by Elsevier B.V. and Science Press
Relationship between soil boron adsorption kinetics and rape plant boron response
ZHU Duan-Wei, PI Mei-Mei and LIU Wu-Ding
Laboratory of Trace Elements, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070 (China)
      The boron adsorption kinetic experiment in soil by means of a flow displacement technique showed that the kinetic data could be described with some mathematic equations. The average values of the correlation coefficient for zero-order, first-order, parabolic diffusion, Elovich, power function and exponential equations were 0.957, 0.982, 0.981, 0.984, 0.981 and 0.902, respectively. The correlation between adsorbed boron or its other expression form and time were the highest for first-order, parabolic diffusion, Elovich, and power function equations, the second for the zeroorder equation, and the lowest for the exponential equation. The parabolic diffusion equation fitted well the experimental results, with the least standard error among the six kinetic equations, showing that the movement of boron from soil solution to soil colloid surface may be controlled by boron diffusion speed. The boron content of rape seedling obtained from soil cultivation was correlated with the rate constants of the kinetic equations. The constants of first-order, parabolic diffusion, and exponential equations were significantly correlated with the boron content of the crop of NPK treatment at a 95% probability level, with correlation coefficients being 0.686, 0.691 and 0.641, respectively. In the case of zero-order equation, it was significant at 99% probability level (r = 0.736). These results showed that the adsorption kinetic constants of soil boron were closely related with the rape plant response to boron.
Key Words:  adsorption kinetics, plant boron content, rate constant, soil boron
Citation: Zhu, D. W., Pi, M. M. and Liu, W. D. 1997. Relationship between soil boron adsorption kinetics and rape plant boron response. Pedosphere. 7(3): 269-274.
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