Pedosphere 6(4): 313--320, 1996
ISSN 1002-0160/CN 32-1315/P
©1996 Soil Science Society of China
Published by Elsevier B.V. and Science Press
Simulation of methane oxidation by paddy soils in a closed system
CAI Zu-Cong and YAN Xiao-Yuan
LMCP, Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008 (China)
      Methane oxidation by paddy soils in a closed system could be simulated by the equation x = k1x0/(k2+k1x0)exp(k1t)-k2x0 where x0 and x are the CH4 concentrations at time zero and t, respectively; k1 and k2 are constants related to the constant of first-order-kinetics. According to the equation the change of soil ability to oxidize CH4 could be estimated by the equation Ac = k2/k1(x0-x)/x0k2/k1-1. The results showed that the soil ability to oxidize CH4 varied, depending on the initial CH4 concentration. High initial CH4 concentration stimulated soil ability to consume CH4, while low concentration depressed the ability. This characteristic of paddy soil seemed to be of considerable significance to self-adjusting CH4 emission from flooded rice fields if there exist oxic microsites in the soil.
Key Words:  methane oxidation, paddy soils, simulation
Citation: Cai, Z. C. and Yan, X. Y. 1996. Simulation of methane oxidation by paddy soils in a closed system. Pedosphere. 6(4): 313-320.
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