Pedosphere 5(2): 151--156, 1995
ISSN 1002-0160/CN 32-1315/P
©1995 Soil Science Society of China
Published by Elsevier B.V. and Science Press
1.4-nm intergrade mineral in soils of subtropical China: A review
HE Ji-Zheng, XU Feng-Lin, LIU Fan and LI Xue-Yuan
Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070 (China)
      This paper is a review of some advances in the studies on 1.4-nm intergrade mineral of soils in subtropical China. 1)1.4-nm intergrade mineral occurs ubiquitously in soils of subtropical China. The 1.4-nm mineral in red soil and yellow soil is mainly 1.4-nm intergrade mineral, and in acidic yellow-brown soil (pH < 5.5) is vermiculite alone or 1.4-nm intergrade mineral together with vermiculite. The distribution and the content of 1.4-nm intergrade mineral in the mountain soils are more widespread and higher than those of the corresponding soils in horizontal zone. 2) The interlayer material of 1.4-nm intergrade mineral in these soils appears to be hydroxy-A1 polymers instead of hydroxy-Fe, proto-imogolite or kaolin-like material. There is a significant positive correlation between A1 amount extracted from the soil with sodium citrate after DCB extraction and pH value of the citrate solution after the extraction. The citrate can also extract a certain amount of silicon from the soil, but the silicon may not come from interlayer of 1.4-nm intergrade mineral. 3) It was seldom studied that either vermiculite or smectite did the natural 1.4-nm intergrade mineral come from in soil, or it was commonly thought to come from vermiculite. A recent report has revealed that it can come from smectite. There are some different behaviors between the 1.4-nm intergrade mineral derived from vermiculite and that from smectite. For example, they exert different influences on the formation of gibbsite. The 1.4-nm intergrade mineral derived from smectite may promote the formation of gibbsite in the yellow soil. 4) The type of 1.4-nm minerals in soils. i.e., vermiculite or 1.4-nm intergrade mineral, may be significant to soil properties, such as soil acidity, exchangeable Al, electric charge amount and specific surface area. Therefore, the management for the soil in which 1.4-nm mineral is mainly 1.4-nm intergrade mineral or vermiculite should be dealt with differently.
Key Words:  interlayer material, 1.4-nm intergrade mineral, subtropical soil, surface property
Citation: He, J. Z., Xu, F. L., Liu, F. and Li, X. Y. 1995. 1.4-nm intergrade mineral in soils of subtropical China: A review. Pedosphere. 5(2): 151-156.
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