Pedosphere 4(3): 217--224, 1994
ISSN 1002-0160/CN 32-1315/P
©1994 Soil Science Society of China
Published by Elsevier B.V. and Science Press
Ability of ectomycorrhizal fungns Laccaria bicolor S238N to increase the growth of Donglas Fir seedlings and their phosphorns and potassinm uptake
HUANG Jian-Guo1 and F. LAPEYRIE2
1 Dept. of Soil Science, Southwest Agric. Univ. Chongqzig 630716 (China);
2 INRA. Microbiologie, Center de Nancy, Champenoux 54280 (France)
      Ectomycorrhizal fungus Laccaria bicolor S238N, isolated from a forest soil in central France in 1990s, has demonstrated unequivocally an ability to promote pine growth. In the present nursery bed experiment, the ability of this ectomycorrhizal fungus to increase growth and P and K uptake of Douglas Fir seedlings (Zone 22) was examined. Growth of inoculated seedlings was over twice (plant height) and three times (biomass) that of non-inoculated ones. Similarly, both the concentrations and the amounts of P and K uptake by seedlings were significantly increased by fungal inoculation, indicating the improvement of P and K nutrition in mycorrhizal seedlings. In contrast, Al-P in the soils was decreased obviously by plants, especially by mycorrhizas, suggesting utilization of this soil P pool by plants and more efficient Al-P mobilization by mycorrhizas than by nonmycorrhizas. Moreover, K extracted by 1 mol/L HCl following consecutive extraction of H2O and CH3COONH3, which may not be plant available, could be utilized by fungus colonized roots. This could be explained by the release of protons and oxalate by hypae which leads to replacement of interlayer K in nonexpanded 2:1 clay minerals and bio-weathering of phyllosilicates.
Key Words:  Douglas Fir, ectomycorrhizal fungi, K, P
Citation: Huang, J. G. and Lapeyrie, F. 1994. Ability of ectomycorrhizal fungns Laccaria bicolor S238N to increase the growth of Donglas Fir seedlings and their phosphorns and potassinm uptake. Pedosphere. 4(3): 217-224.
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