Pedosphere 4(1): 27--33, 1994
ISSN 1002-0160/CN 32-1315/P
©1994 Soil Science Society of China
Published by Elsevier B.V. and Science Press
Chrono—sequences of Elemental COntents in Tree Rings and Soils
[1]NanjingInstituteofGeographyandLimnology,AcademiaSinica,Nanjing210008,China [2]DepartmentofPhysics,Nanjin
      There exists a logarithmic linear correlation,i.e.,lnC‘(Z,t)=a(Z) b(Z)ln(Z,t) where Z is the atomic number of element and t the year when tree ring grow,between the chemical element contents in tree rings C(Z,t)and those in soils near the tree roots C‘(Z,t).By determining the elemental contents of the annual growth rings of trees,we could establish the chronosequences of elemental contents in the tree rings.thus calculating that of the soil,that is,reproducing the dynamic changes of contents of elements in the soil C‘(Z,t),The background values of elements in the soil under site conditions of the tree could be estimated from the miniumu C(Z,to) in the chrono-sequences of elemental contents in the tree rings.
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Citation: . 1994. Chrono—sequences of Elemental COntents in Tree Rings and Soils. Pedosphere. 4(1): 27-33.

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