Pedosphere 4(1): 19--26, 1994
ISSN 1002-0160/CN 32-1315/P
©1994 Soil Science Society of China
Published by Elsevier B.V. and Science Press
Study on Model of Correlation Between Chemical Element Contents in Tree Rings and Soils near Tree Roots
[1]DepartmentofPhysics,NanjingUniversity,Nanjing210008,China [2]DepartmentofPhysics,NanjingUniversity,Nanji
      The chemical element contents in tree rings are correlated with those in the soils near the tree roots,The results in the present study showed that the correlation between them could be described using the following logarithmic linear correlation model:lgC‘(Z)=a(Z) b(Z)lgC(Z).Therefor,by determining the chrono-sequence C(Z,t),where Z is the atomic number and t the year,of elemental contents in the annual growth rings of trees,we could get the chrono-sequence C‘(Z,t) of elemental contents in the soil,thus inferring the dynaminc variations of relevant elemental contents in the soil.
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Citation: . 1994. Study on Model of Correlation Between Chemical Element Contents in Tree Rings and Soils near Tree Roots. Pedosphere. 4(1): 19-26.

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