Pedosphere 4(1): 11--18, 1994
ISSN 1002-0160/CN 32-1315/P
©1994 Soil Science Society of China
Published by Elsevier B.V. and Science Press
Kinetic Modelling of Pesticidal Degradation and Microbial Growth in Soil
[1]InstituteofSoilScience,AcademiaSinica,P.O.Box821,Nanjing210008,China [2]InstituteofSoilScience,AcademiaS
      This paper discusses such models for the degradation kinetics of pesticides in soil as the model expressing the degradation rate as a function of two varables:the pesticide concentration and the number of pesticide degrading microorganisms,the model expressing the pesticide concentration as explicit or implicit function of time ,and the model exprssing the pesticide loss rate constants as functions of temperature,These models may interpret the degradation curves with an inflection point.A Kinetic model describing the growth processes of microbial populations in a closed system is reported as well.
Key Words:  
Citation: . 1994. Kinetic Modelling of Pesticidal Degradation and Microbial Growth in Soil. Pedosphere. 4(1): 11-18.

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