Pedosphere 1(4): 355--362, 1991
ISSN 1002-0160/CN 32-1315/P
©1991 Soil Science Society of China
Published by Elsevier B.V. and Science Press
Effect of Initial Soluble Salt Composition of Saline Soil on Salinity Tolerance of Barley Plant
Department of Soil Science and Agrochemistry, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210014
      A pot experiment was carried out on a marine saline soil to study the effect of initial soluble Na/Ca ratio of saline soil on the salinity tolerance of barley plant. The results showed that (1) the Na/Ca ratio affected significantly the dry weight of the plant at an earlier stage of growth, the critical values of initial Na/Ca ratio at which the plant could grow normally on soils containing salts of 2.5, 3.5 and 4.5g kg-1 were 30,20 and 15, respectively;(2)smaller Na/Ca ratio resulted in a considerable decrease in Na accumulation but a great increase in K accumulation in the barley plant;and (3) the plasmallema of barley leaf were badly injured when the Na/Ca ratio was more than 30 and the increase of Na content of plant caused an exudation of K from the leaf cells. Some critical indexes were suggested for the cultivation of barley plant on marine saline soils and could be used as reference in the biological reclamation of marine saline soils.
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Citation: Sheng, Q. R., Liu, Z. P. and Mao, Z. S. 1991. Effect of Initial Soluble Salt Composition of Saline Soil on Salinity Tolerance of Barley Plant. Pedosphere. 1(4): 355-362.
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