Pedosphere 1(1): 73--81, 1991
ISSN 1002-0160/CN 32-1315/P
©1991 Soil Science Society of China
Published by Elsevier B.V. and Science Press
Secretion of phytosiderophore and its effects on soil Fe availability
Shi, W. M. and Liu, Z. Y.
      Root exudates of Fe-deficient barley, wheat and oat plants were found to contain considerable amounts of phytosiderophore, and the Fe status of wheat rhizosphere soil was 22-65% higher than that of the bulk soil (calcareous sandy soil, pH 8.1). Results from in vitro experiments showed that 10 mumoles mugineic acid could dissolve 501 mug Fe from iron hydroxide and 146 mug from strengite. Addition of mugineic acid (1.65 mg) to the nutrient solution (350 ml) in which chlorotic soyabean plants were growing resulted in plant recovery from Fe chlorosis.
Key Words:  
Citation: Shi, M., W., Liu and Y., Z. 1991. Secretion of phytosiderophore and its effects on soil Fe availability. Pedosphere. 1(1): 73-81.

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